The Right Will for You
Your personal, family and financial circumstances may be simple or complex, and may change over the years. This means is important for you to use a qualified, professional and bespoke service.
We recommend that existing Wills are reviewed every 3-5 years to reflect your up-to-date wishes.
Single Individuals
Making a Will is the only way to document your funeral wishes and how you wish your money and property to pass on to your family, dependents and other beneficiaries.
Unmarried Couples
Unmarried couples do not have the same legal rights to inherit as married couples. Under the Laws of Intestacy, unmarried partners do not automatically inherit each other’s estates.
Married Couples
It is a common misconception that a surviving spouse automatically inherits the entire estate. However, without a Will, this may not be true. It is essential to make Will or Mirror Wills to ensure that your assets are legally passed according to your wishes.
Birth of a Child
Making or updating a Will allows you to appoint a legal guardian for your children or dependents under the age of 18.
Separation or Divorce
It is important to note that by law, previous Wills become invalid at the time of a new marriage. This is a key time to consider the needs of all families and any children from previous relationships in your Will.
Older Couples or Second Marriages
Many older couples may have concerns over possible future residential care fees or nursing home costs. Those in second marriages may wish to protect their estate for their own children. Different types of Trusts are available within Wills to protect your assets in these circumstances.
Disabled Child
Specialist Trusts within Wills can be used to provide for the needs of a disabled child.
Changes in Government Legislation
Recent changes in the law on inheritance tax mean that it is important to review existing Wills to meet current legislation.
The Will Advice Company is accredited by the Institute of Professional Will Writers, giving you complete peace of mind.